Each week find a round-up of selected resources, news stories, and commentary related to humane living, global ethical issues, and positive solutions.
Here’s some news to know for this week:
- Via The Guardian: Norway business develops innovative idea for selling “expired” food to help reduce food waste
Since 2010, Norway has been striving to significantly reduce food waste. Now a supermarket called Best Før is helping reduce waste by selling out-of-date food that other markets eschew. - Via NPR: Trump administration reverses policy to “ban” bottled water in US national parks
A 2011 policy to restrict bottled water sales in US national parks to help reduce plastic litter has been reversed by the current administration. - Via NY Times: US Interior Dept. stops study to examine public health risks of mountaintop-removal coal mining
Citing a budgetary review, the US Interior Department has halted a study designed to investigate the health effects on humans of mountaintop-removal coal mining, which dumps toxic rubble into nearby valleys and streams. - Via CBS SF Bay Area: Study shows more whales dying from ship collisions than previously thought
A report from Point Blue Conservation Science indicates that “whale deaths from ships are much higher than previously estimated.” - Via NY Times: Studies show weight bias starts early and can have devastating impacts
Recent studies show that “implicit weight bias” has become more common, including in children, and that the stigmatization and bullying of people who are overweight can have significant physical and mental consequences. Scientists and advocates call for moving “away from the current appearance-focused culture.” - Via Seattle Times: Study highlights importance of focusing on “what’s right” with youth raised in adverse conditions
Researchers who recently published a study in Perspectives on Psychological Science assert the importance of recognizing that children raised in stressful, adverse environments develop valuable skills that should be recognized and nurtured, rather than seeing all “at-risk” youth as having only deficits. - Via Scientific American: Study indicates people with high levels of education, scientific literacy are the most polarized in their political beliefs
Researchers have confirmed that “political identity was a more important signal of where [survey] respondents stood than their academic acumen or scientific sophistication.” People can use the same data to argue for their beliefs, the study noted, and that using facts can cause people to become more entrenched in their beliefs.
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